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- Before submitting the material, it is important for the author to carefully read the About the Journal section, which contains information on focus and scope, peer review process, periodicity, open access policy, plagiarism identification, code of ethics, among other important topics.

- As a good editorial practice, the journal seeks to present the first editorial decision (acceptance or rejection) within 180 days. If no ad hoc reviewers are found within 90 days, it is possible that the author will be contacted to find out if they are interested in remaining on hold or looking for another journal.

- The originals must be sent, exclusively, through the Journal's Electronic Portal of the National Police Academy, more specifically, in the New Submission link. They must be in a format compatible with the MS Word software (format “.docx”) and have between 15 and 30 pages, approximately.

- Ethical issues involving research with human beings are the sole responsibility of the authors and must comply with the principles contained in the Declaration of Helsinki of the World Medical Association (1964, reformulated in 1975,1983, 1989, 1989, 1996 and 2000) and in Resolution 496 of National Health Council. In the case of research in Human and Social Sciences, observe the guidelines of CNS Resolution No. 510, of 2016.

- Any and all referrals to the RBCP must be accompanied by (a) Declaration of Responsibility and (b) Copyrights Notice - marked by the author during the submission process

- In order to give opportunity and stimulate the scientific production of new police science researchers, the next submission to the RBCP must wait a period of 12 (twelve) months.

- Articles are evaluated by ad hoc reviewers, in a double-blind system, following the guidelines provided in this evaluation form (other versions: pt, es, fr, it).

- Submissions sent to the RBCP in free flow will obey the chronological order of receipt and completion of scientific peer review, a process that may take up to 12 (twelve) months. If they cannot be published in the three editions subsequent to the month in which they were received, the author will be consulted about the interest in using them in one of the editions to be published in the subsequent 12 (twelve) months.

- Submissions sent to the RBCP in compliance with a thematic dossier, if approved but not published in the edition to which they applied, will have priority for publication in the subsequent edition, in free flow, if convenient to the Editorial Commission and the author, or will be returned to author.

- It is requested that the submission metadata be duly filled in with the name(s) of the author(s) in full, institution to which they are affiliated, contacts (emails and telephones), ORCID or CV Lattes, research funding agency, if applicable, and curriculum information about each author. Such information, prior to eventual publication, will be known only to the Editor, ensuring double-blind peer review.

- The person responsible for submitting the article must remove from the properties of Microsoft Word compatible software (“.docx” format) any and all authorship identifications (to find out how, consult Microsoft support: Office 11 ou Office 365).

- The text must be typed in font size 12, type Times New Roman, with 1.5 cm spacing between lines, in pages of up to thirty lines for about seventy characters, with margins (top, bottom, left and right) of 2.0 cm.

- The author is asked to highlight foreign terms or expressions in the text using italics. Quotations, transcripts or epigraphs in a foreign language must be enclosed in quotation marks.

- Figures, engravings, illustrations and drawings in general must be presented on separate pages. Images must be scanned in shades of gray, with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi. If the image is copyrighted, written authorization from the copyright holder must be required, made available to editors in supplementary files, and the source mentioned in the text.

- All images must be accompanied by captions, with the appropriate numbering.

- The title of the article must be in lowercase letters, except for the first letter, translated into three languages among those accepted, including the Portuguese and English versions, be objective, succinct and representative of the article's content. It is recommended to avoid long titles (more than two lines).

- Articles must be accompanied by an abstract in Portuguese, in English and in Spanish (or in the source language of the text), from 100 to 250 words.

- The article must contain 5 (five) keywords in the language of the text, with versions in Portuguese, English ( keywords) and Spanish ( palabras clave). Keywords must be in lower case, separated by a semicolon (;) and ending with a period (.), according to ABNT NBR6028:2021.

- Footnotes, the use of which must be restricted to clarifications or comments complementary to the text of the article and NOT TO THE REFERENCE CITATION, must be typed at the end of the page on which they appear, using the resources for automatic creation of footnotes. text of the editing programs.

- Citations (direct and indirect) must comply with ABNT NBR 10520: 2002 and the call system to be adopted must be the Author-Data System.

- Restrict the use of direct citations for cases in which it is essential to highlight the specific idea of ​​the mentioned author. If they exceed 3 lines, they must be highlighted in their own paragraph, in quotation marks.

- References to authors throughout the text must be subordinate to the form (AUTHOR'S LAST NAME, date) or (AUTHOR'S LAST NAME, date, page).

“(AUTHOR, date, page)” for quotes: The inference in these examples would satisfy Williams's conception of “deliberative foundations” (WILLIAMS, 1981, p. 104);

“Author, date” for reference to the author: The inference in these examples would satisfy the requirement requested by Williams, 1981;

“Author, date” for reference to the book: The inference in these examples would satisfy the requested requirement. Williams, 1981;

“Author (date, page)” for reference to the page: The inference in these examples would satisfy the requirement requested by Williams (1981, p. 104).

- References should be listed at the end of the article, in alphabetical order, according to the surname of the first author and obeying the date of publication. They must be written in single space, aligned to the left margin of the text and separated by a blank line in single space. It must follow the requirements of ABNT NBR 6023: 2018 (Section 7 - Reference models and Section 8 - Transcription of elements).

- Periodical titles, books, names of publishers and cities should not be abbreviated. Use the system as follows:

Book: Author's SURNAME, author's name. Book's title. City: Publisher, year of edition.

Book, translation: SURNAME of the author, name of the author. Translated Title of the Book. Translated by Name. City: Publisher, year of edition.

Chapter: SURNAME of the author, name of the author. Title. Book Title. City: Publisher, year of edition.

Article in Collection: SURNAME of the author, name of the author. Title. Title of Book, ed. by Author's First and Last Name. City: Publisher, year of edition.

Article in Journals: SURNAME of the author, name of the author. Title of Article. InName of the Magazine. Number: start and end page of the article, Date.


BLACKBURN, Simon. Ruling Passions: A Theory of Practical Reasoning. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1998.

FONTES JUNIOR, João B. A. Fundamental Freedoms and Public Security. 2nd Ed.Rio de Janeiro: Lumes Júris, 2006.

HUME, David. [1740]. Treaty of Human Nature. São Paulo: UNESP, 2001.

LÉVI-STRAUSS, Claude. "The modern crisis of anthropology". Revista de Antropologia, vol. 10 (1-2): 19-26, 1962.

SCHLUCHTER, Wolfgang. “Polytheism of Values”. In: Souza, J. (org.) The Max Weber update. Brasília: EdUnB, 2000, p. 13-48.

LIMON, Raul. Pfizer claims its coronavirus vaccine is 90% effective. El País, 09 Nov. 2020. Available at: https://brasil.elpais.com/brasil/2020-11-09/pfizer-afirma-que-sua-vacina-contra-o-coronavirus-tem-uma-eficacia-de-90.html . Accessed on: 18 Nov. 2020

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • Waited the deadline of 12 (twelve) months to submit new scientific production, except when invited by the Editorial Committee to prepare reviews, editorials or specific research.
  • The author identification of the text has been removed from the file with the article and from the Properties option in MS Word, thus ensuring blind peer review.< /span>
  • In case of submission to a peer-reviewed section (eg articles), the instructions are available at Ensuring blind peer review were followed.
  • The text follows the style standards and bibliographic requirements described in Guidelines for Authors, on page About the Journal.
  • The text is spaced 1.5 cm between lines; uses a 12-point font; employs italics instead of underlining (except for URL addresses); figures and tables are included in the text, not at the end of the document in the form of attachments.
  • URLs for referrals were provided where possible.
  • Submission article is in Microsoft Word, OpenOffice or RTF format.
  • The contribution is original and unpublished, and is not beingPage Header Logo Brazilian Journal of Police Sciences
  • Informed the ORCID or CV Lattes of each of the authors, as well as e-mail, academic affiliation, city/state and country of origin.
  • Authorized the RBCP, free of charge to the author(s), to publish a version of the article in the English native language
  • You agree with: (a) Disclaimer; (b) Copyright Notice
  • Filled in the submission metadata on the respective RBCP page