The Brazilian Journal of Police Sciences, currently in the B1 classification in the new Qualis-Reference of CAPES/MEC (2017-2020), makes public this call for authors to form a thematic dossier of issue 12, vol. 14 of the scientific journal for the quarter MAY-AUGUST 2023, according to the following information:

The Vol. 14, no. 12, will have the theme “The Police Intelligence Activity as an Instrument for Realizing the Fundamental Right to Public Security”, under the responsibility of the invited editors:

Master Prof. Fábio Alceu Mertens, (Academia Nacional de Polícia, Itajaí-SC, Brasil), CV lattes:;

Master Prof. Mestre Felipe Scarpelli de Andrade (Academia Nacional de Pol´ícia, Brasília-DF, Brasil), CV Lattes:; ORCID:;

PhD Prof. Marco Aurélio Chaves Cepik (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre-RS, Brasil), CV Lattes:; ORCID:



Law Enforcement Intelligence consolidated a relevant position, in Brazil and globally, from the end of the 90s and the beginning of the 2000s as a necessary response to transnational organized crime.

Since then, both in support of executive decision-making processes by the Police and other public security bodies as far as supporting the tactical and operational levels of policing, prevention, repression and, deterrence, the activity has been developing in the country (Brazil), often serving as an efficiency parameter for policies and operations against transnational organized crime.

Such development has occurred both in the empirical-police and academic-scientific fields, feeding doctrinal, bibliographic, and research production in the thematic area.

On the other hand, the use of techniques and methods derived from intelligence in police and public security activities, including their judicial and prosecutable consequences, remains a daily challenge for both police operators and scholars on the subject. In fact, it is an activity that, considering the potential collisions of fundamental rights and guarantees involved during its exercise, requires a constant link with the foundations of the Democratic Rule of Law, a society pillar for which police intelligence must necessarily operate, seeking the fulfillment of the fundamental right to public security.

Within this context, this Dossier seeks to gather articles and research that deal with:

1. Law Enforcement Intelligence and the Democratic Rule of Law ;

2. challenges for coordinated police intelligence operations involving different forces;

3. the legal and legitimate use of intelligence techniques and methods in support of combating organized crime and terrorism operations ;

4. Decision Theory and Models of Thought to support the decision-making process;

5. police intelligence and the use of new technologies;

6. international cooperation and police intelligence.


The deadlines for submission, ad hoc evaluation period and revisions of texts, as well as the publication forecast are as follows:

vol. 14 Nº 12

Deadline for Submissions [until 15 Feb. 2023]

Period of Evaluations and Revisions [Sep. to Apr. 2023]

Publication Forecast [May 2023]

The texts must be submitted through the Online Submissions system, upon prior registration. The conditions for submission are available in, highlighting:

a) the contribution must be original and unpublished, be between 15 and 30 pages, including bibliographic references, be in Portuguese, English, Spanish, French or Italian; contain title, abstract and keywords in three languages (in the language of the text, in English language and in Portuguese or Spanish (if the text is in French or Italian); list the bibliography used in the list, at the end, and not be under evaluation for publication by another journal;

b) the submission file must be in Microsoft Word, OpenOffice, or RTF format;

c) the identification of text authorship must have been removed from the file and the Properties in Word option, thus ensuring double-blind peer review;

d) must send a separate supplementary file with the information of raw research data, opinion of the research ethics committee, authorizations for the use  of images, videos, audio and the like, if applicable;

e) record on the submission page the complete information of authorship, e-mail, URL of CV Lattes or ORCID, academic qualification, educational institution, professional and/or research to which each author's responsibility is linked and individualized in the production (in case of co-authorship);

f) the text must follow the style standards and bibliographic requirements described in guidelines for authors;

g) observe the instructions available in the field "Ensuring blind peer review";

h) fill in the author's page the metadata of the submission (keywords, abstract, references, area of knowledge, funding agency, type of research, etc.) in the languages used in the abstract of the article.

Violation of submission rules or guidelines for authors may lead to preliminary rejection of the material received.

It is emphasized that for the second quarter of 2023, the submission of articles outside the above theme will be received normally, but within the general call of the RBCP, in the continuous flow modality.

Any questions can be answered by consulting [email protected]


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