Performance measurement system for Military Police of Paraná State.
Main Article Content
This article aims to propose a performance measurement system for PMPR battalions, so that managers have adequate information; that decisions are taken quickly and effectively; and that the strategy is integrated into these actions. Therefore, the BSC was used as a strategic tool and action research as a research strategy. The investigation stages were separated into two phases: exploration, comprising the selection of participating cases, gathering of base materials, carrying out the external diagnosis, defining the organizational purpose and carrying out the internal diagnosis; and in-depth research, which covered the development of the strategic map, establishment of indicators, goals and initiatives. For the interviews, 11 meetings were held with 18 managers of the battalions. The strategic map contemplated, from bottom to top, values, perspectives for learning and growth (five objectives), financial resources (one objective), internal processes (nine objectives), society (six objectives), vision and mission. In total, 42 indicators considered critical and necessary to be monitored were identified, each with specific goals and initiatives. As main contributions, it was observed that the construction of a performance measurement system takes into account the context in which it is being applied, the strategy adopted and the organization's internal processes; the possibility of replicating the proposed model in other battalions, in addition to those analyzed; improvement in service delivery, based on customer focus and a performance culture; and for public policy makers and governments, a change in the perception of PMPR activities, with the expansion of specific investments and monitoring of the performance of results.
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