Mental health in Public Safety in face of pandemic: a narrative review
Main Article Content
The work aimed to identify the extent of physical and mental health problems, such as the risk of suffering accidents and violence in the exercise of police activities, the stress triggered by the performance of tasks, as a rule lacking the proper conditions in a different level for their fulfillment. The study was performed through qualitative research in which a narrative review was conducted on the topic. It was observed that the high load of organizational and operational demands in the police work routine, added to the scarcity of resources for them to face the challenges of their profession, has often been associated with the physical and/or mental illness of this occupational group. Thus, the information and continuing education for managers and employees on the issue of Mental Health is important, featuring for each corporation linked to public safety, its general and specific risk and protection factors, at the micro (individual) and meso (institution), allowing its proper recognition and confrontation, favoring the possibility of efficient work of promotion, prevention and intervention based on scientific evidence.
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