Citizen Security - Paradigms and Territorial Occupation in Brazil
Main Article Content
In Brazil, there is a crisis of insecurity whose etiology permeates the confrontation between the dominant paradigm of public security and the emerging paradigm, now called citizen security. In order to understand the emerging paradigm of citizen security and its materialization through social urbanism programs, research with a qualitative approach is developed, of the literature review type, based on primary and secondary sources, as well as on a case study, namely: the context of the Community Peace Centers (COMPAZ) in Recife, Pernambuco, and their territorial occupation model. The choice for COMPAZ was due to the experience of accumulating important international awards (UN, Oxfam). It has been shown that the dominant paradigm supports governance focused on the State's self-protection, on a more restricted conception of public order, on police prevention and on repression marked by the metaphor of war. The emerging paradigm antagonizes, proposing an expanded concept of public order, based on the centrality of the principle of citizenship, on human rights, on the integration and cooperation of multiple agents and on Multilevel Governance, highlighting the mediate and immediate causes of violence. This fact is corroborated by the case study that evidences counter-hegemonic legal and meta-legal principles. Aware of the outlines of the paradigmatic crisis, the development of new operational protocols is defended, with an emphasis on social reception, integral prevention and coordinated action in a network of public and private stakeholders.
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How to Cite
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