LGBTphobic practices and the mental health of the LGBT+ police officer in Brazil
Main Article Content
This article approaches topics such as lgbtphobia, cisheterosexism/cisheteronormativity and mental health of the LGBT+ police officer through a cutout within the Brazilian military police. In addition, the work seeks to know how this association of themes is publicized in Brazilian journalistic news. We seek to answer the following problem: what is the relationship between the themes LGBTphobia, cisheterosexism and mental health of the LGBT+ military police presented in the contents of the Brazilian news portal G1 between the years 2018 and 2021? For this, the objective of the work is to discuss and analyze the publicization of LGBTphobia and cisheterosexism, relating them to the mental health of the LGBT police officer within Brazilian military police institutions. The article brings as a methodology a bibliographic study that ends with an analysis of the content published in the aforementioned journalistic internet channel. As a conclusive proposal, we can mention that among the analyzed news, there is an equivalence relationship between the terms LGBTphobia and Cisheterosexism and an association of these with the mental health status of LGBT military police officers who have experienced some episode of prejudice, discrimination or persecution within the military police institutions because of their sexualities and/or genders.
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