Intelligence and Counterintelligence in Counterterrorism Utopia, Dystopia, Retrotopia
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We intend to perform a critical reflection on the key role of intelligence and counterintelligence in counterterrorism, with special focus at HUMINT, between World War II to the present. With the end of the Cold War, the emergence of violent non-state actors – of which jihadist terrorism is an example – led to an excessive concentration on intelligence
obtained through TECHINT means, diminishing the strategic vision and operational effectiveness of intelligence services. After the 2001 terrorist attacks on USA soil, the intelligence communities recognized the crucial role of HUMINT in face of a new threats’ typology, with heterogeneous, highly resilient origin, organization and dynamics, and integrating middle and top cadres, with knowledge and military combat experience in previous conflicts, often former members of the military or intelligence forces within
their countries of origin.
Integrating the utopia, dystopia and retrotopia concepts, our analysis conceives three distinct but closely related periods that contextualize three different phases of intelligence and counterintelligence activities – in particular, the role of HUMINT – in the pursuit of security and defense of States.
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