Multidimensional security on brazilian borders: the disruptive capacity of the V.I.G.I.A. program.
Main Article Content
This article analyzes the interface between Intelligence and operational activities in border strips in the context of the V.I.G.I.A. program. The main objective is to identify the disruptive processes of knowledge creation and conversion. As accessory objectives, it aims the academic formalization of the program and the identification of information flows arising from the adoption of the F3EAD methodology, notably those associated with the interface between Intelligence and operational activities in international and interstate borders. Methodologically, it adopts a predominantly qualitative approach of an exploratory-explanatory nature, using a bibliographic-documentary approach. The impacts of the program on organized crime in financial terms are evidenced, and undertook in the appointment of a legal-construct in the identification of the described phenomena. Conceptually, it investigates constituent elements of the V.I.G.I.A. program; of the F3EAD methodology; and of the Intelligence and Special Operations activities. It also seeks a better informational understanding of the program by juxtaposing theories of knowledge to previous concepts. In the end, it concludes for a capacity of the Program on the integration of knowledge at an operational level, enabling the formulation of a specific identity of borders.
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