Crime scene reconstruction in crimes against life: a proposal for methodological improvement
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This article deals with the Crime Scene Reconstruction in Crimes Against Life. This examination aims to analyze the feasibility of versions related to a certain crime. The case study methodology was used based on five expert reports compiled from different states, portraying crimes of different nature. In these reports, several methodological aspects applied were analyzed, starting from the hypothesis that there was no well-defined systematization for this exam. The results showed the lack of standardization and from that, an organized way of carrying out the work was proposed, from the initial planning phase, through the stages of execution of the exam, until reaching the expert report. This important document had the main topics suggested, based on the analyzed cases, added to the author's experience. The qualitative research resulted in an objective manual, capable of guiding the performance of this type of examination, as well as minimizing possible failures, contributing to a fully effective work.
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