Political indications as exegesis of systemic corruption and endgenous criminal organization in the public service: case study of operations Alvorecer, Termita and No Man's Land of the Brazilian Federal Police
Main Article Content
Clientelism is a historical practice in Brazil, which dates back to the former Portuguese regime, but which continues to this day. The boss-client relationships, as well as the practice of patronage, in the distribution of public resources, generate relationships of trust, which aim, in the final analysis, to serve political interests, to increase support or electoral base. Resources (allocation of funds, favorable decisions, services, etc.) are now treated as benefits to be granted in exchange, losing the notion that the application of public resources should always be guided by the public interest. The two circumstances mentioned create a favorable environment for the installation of endemic corruption. The fight against corruption has advanced, with Brazil being a signatory to international treaties against corruption and organized crime. In the doctrinal field, there is a consolidation of the understanding that the undue advantage can have any nature, not being restricted to patrimonial, and that there is no need to identify an official act for the crime of passive corruption, which does not need to be within the role of the civil servant. There is also the evolution of the forms of criminal organizations, leaving the hierarchy to be an essential characteristic, and recognizing the existence of criminal organizations structured in a network form, even if they are endogenous. The political appointment to fill public office can be based on the public interest, when carried out to fulfil promises and ideals for which politicians were elected, but it can be misrepresented and used for personal benefit, in which the nominee knows that he will have to comply with requests responsible for the respective nominations. In this second scenario, the appointment for public office becomes an exchange whose counterpart will be future official acts, thus characterizing corruption and providing a favorable environment for the emergence of endemic corruption and endogenous criminal organization, as observed in the case study of Federal Police's specials operations Alvorecer, Térmita and No Man's Land.
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