The theme of governance, management and innovation in public security provides opportunities for discussions that favor the development of strategies, new processes, new organizational architectures, tactics, operations, attitudes, capabilities and leadership processes. The theme recognizes the importance of interdisciplinary knowledge for solving challenges in the field of public security.

In the literature, it is identified that in recent decades society has witnessed significant advances and innovations in public security, provided by technological advances and new public governance. Furthermore, the scenario demonstrates the benefits of the convergence of practical, scientific and social knowledge in favor of quality of life, security, freedom with responsibility, and socio-economic-political-cultural development.

Increasingly uncertain and accelerated conditions in the environment are about to result in a paradigm shift in various sectors of society, including public safety. The environment in which the Public Security macrosystem operates is changing faster than the systems and policies that comprise it. In this context, innovation becomes an imperative, and no longer just an option. New approaches are needed in governance, management and even in the structures that constitute these systems to facilitate and accelerate change and innovation.

Governance differs from management in that the former focuses on the strategic policies and guidelines of an organization and its stakeholders, while management is concerned with the implementation and administration of these policies and guidelines. Innovation (policy, process, organizational, services, products,...) is the element that will mobilize organizations to adapt to the environment in order to better face the perverse challenges All these processes depend on knowledge, the main capital today , and knowledge management, a mechanism that involves people (including leadership), processes and technologies, is essential both for governance and management and for innovation.

Published: "31/01/2023"

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