In the contemporary world, characterized by risk and uncertainty, the problems presented to police organizations and police officers are increasingly complex, requiring greater and more qualified investment in the human factor. Different scientific knowledge has participated in the modernization of police activity and contributed to the definition of good practices.
The knowledge coming from psychology and the intervention of the psychologist in police organizations are internationally recognized as crucial for improving the provision of the police service, namely through investment in the quality of working conditions and in the support of police professionals.
The permanent development of new technologies and their application to police problems also require a growing sophistication of police professionals in the use of decision-making skills, perception and risk management, communication, leadership, research.
Selecting the most competent, as well as designing and designing training and training for police officers who will be in office in the mid-21st century, implies that managers and police leaders welcome the knowledge from the area of psychology.
IIt is within this framework that we welcome contributions from researchers who are interested and research in the field of Police Psychology (considered a specialty for the American Psychological Association since 2013), as an area of application of principles and methods of psychological science to police organizations and their professionals, as essential and active elements of communities.
Published: "04/10/2022"